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Want to make a level for Robot Wants Kitty: Adventure Edition? Here's how!

1. Get the tools

First of all, you'll need an image editor such as MS Paint or Paint.NET - anything with an eyedropper tool and ability to save as PNG should work.
Secondly, download the template image: it contains all the colors you'll need to build your level in your image editor.

2. Build your level

Eyedropper and pencil tool away - it's level building time! Here's the expanded names of the template items:
 WALL - solid wall
SPACE - empty space
ROBOT - the robot!
KITTY - robot wants
L DEC - left decoration thing, attach to the left side of platforms to make them look nice
R DEC - right decoration thing, attach to the right side of platforms to make them look nice
RED A - the red (ground) alien
BLU A - the blue (flying) alien
 JUMP - the jump jet powerup
LASER - the blaster powerup
 OUCH - classic OUCH OUCH block
D-JMP - double-jump powerup
RISER - rocket riser powerup
 DASH - dash rocket powerup
L SPD - laser rapid-fire/speed powerup
X KEY - red, green, & blue keys
 BOSS - the boss monster
X GAT - red, green, & blue gates (doors)
X TEL - red, green, & blue teleporters (yay!)
MISSILE - mega missile powerup
 DRIP - Drippazorg hanging alien thingy
CHECK - checkpoint! When you die, you go to the last activated one
M-BLK - missile-block (hit with mega missile to destroy)
 WOOD - wooden block gets destroyed by falling rocket boost thingies
 TALL - Elementall - taller version of red enemy (place 1 tile off the ground)
 OCTO - Ouchtopus - sits in one spot and shoots goop bombs. Place directly above OUCH.

3. Submit your level

Select a level to upload. Levels must be in PNG format, 256x256. Once you upload it, a mod will test it and make it public.

Level name:
Tad Hardesty, 2014–2023.